Exam time

After celebrating the end of the week and Zac’s early exam success on Friday evening – there was a great DJ at Sam’s - the rest of the weekend was a quiet on as the group geared up for exam week for everybody else including a Saturday catch up class for the group whose arrival was delayed because of the weather at the start of the course. We enjoyed a large group meal at Bullwhells – the crowd favourite – on Sunday evening. The perfect way to set ourselves up for the start of exams on Monday. 

And the weather played ball too. Monday was a wonderful day with great visibility, lots of fluffly snow falling, and as a bonus the slopes were also pretty quiet. Some icy spots still remained from the melt and you could hit an unexpected spot with the thin dusting on top but it was a great way to challenge and test out the techniques the group have been learning on mixed terrain. 

The atmosphere remained focussed over Monday and Tuesday as the group concentrated on their exams. Pizza and theory studies on Monday evening and all of hard work from everyone over the last weeks paid off with 100% pass rate on Wednesday! 


It was a great feeling to finish the day with a few runs as certified Level 1 instructors and repair to the Bullwheel for some celebratory drinks, followed by the Raven for a Mexican takeaway and continued celebrations. Everyone was over the moon! Some of our instructors joined us too. Such bonding times. Some lifetime friendships being made here for sure. 

Thursday was an enforced rest day because of the weather but Friday was a bluebird! Everyone was out enjoying the free skiing and boarding after all the exam pressure and success. Some of the group decided to make the most of the clear skies and watch the sunset from the top of the mountain. 

Say no more. 

Clare, Big White Rep 

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