SnowSkool's Phil Purdie has just returned from a very short trip over to British Columbia in Canada where he was presenting to a roomful of Ski & Board School Directors at the Spring Conference of the Canada West Ski Areas Association (CWSAA). The presentation was about how SnowSkool can help Canadian ski resorts to recruit ski & snowboard instructors.

In the talk, Phil spoke about how SnowSkool has evolved from being a gap year company to a bona fide training provider. A significant part of this is what SnowSkool does to prepare candidates for work as an instructor after their training course…with in-resort jobs seminars, an instructor recruitment database with connections to almost 150 Ski & Board Schools in fourteen countries and their pioneering Report Card scheme which give relevant information to Ski & Board School Directors in a short, succinct document.    

SnowSkool has also compiled a lot of research about the types of people that complete instructor training courses and what they want/ expect in their careers as a snowpro. And we are working hard to match these candidates up with the recruiters at the Ski & Board Schools. SnowSkool is able to advertise for applicants on behalf of the Schools through our huge databases of training course graduates, e-newsletter distribution list, Facebook page and the new Snowpros website (coming soon). We can also short-list on behalf the recruiters – using the Report Card scheme to provide the contact details of instructors that fill the specific criteria of the Ski & Board School. And SnowSkool shall be organising large-scale interview days on our courses in Canada next season for Ski & Board School Directors from all over Canada.

For more information on SnowSkool’s recruitment service, please contact [email protected]

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