Big week of skiing this week! It’s some skiers' last week before their Level 2 exams; some of the group hit the cross-country trails and some even went for a ski in other resorts.

✏️   Jim ventured to Alberta to stay in Banff for a few days and ski with friends at Lake Louise. Hopefully he found it absolutely terrible and hurried back as Big White SnowSkoolers can not be seen enjoying themselves on Banff SnowSkoolers’ turf!

✏️   Hannah, Sean, Tom G and Georgie C headed to a slightly more local resort and went to Silverstar for the weekend.

✏️   Back in Big White, training for Level 2 exams is intensifying. COVID has affected the availability of CSIA examiners, so this year’s exams will be spread over a few weeks. Everyone’s made huge progress and we’re so excited to start seeing those passes come through!

✏️   Georgie M, Kahn, Darren, Joel, Holly, Henry and a couple of pals decided to give cross-country skiing a try: turns out it’s loads of fun! A long soak in the hot tub was necessary to recover, however. Joel took this seriously and took on a lengthy hot tub sesh… he came out with incredibly prune-like hands.

✏️   The group refuelled from all this skiing with some particularly delicious pasta at a group meal at Gunbarrel.

✏️   Off-snow, Jim, Natasha, Andrew, Olly, Joel and Calum have been playing Dungeons and Dragons. We have no intel if the D&D community is flourishing in Big White, but suspect it may have just doubled in size!

✏️   In Alpine style, a big group went to The Woods (the restaurant, not the forest) for a fondue night. A few then soldiered on and went to Sam’s for a night out… credit to you for managing to combine booze + a bellyful of cheese.

✏️   A night in Cantinas was also enjoyed for Carey and Max’s birthdays. Birthday shots were essential, they went for the ‘muff dive’, cheers!

✏️   The week was pretty cold and the snow was pretty great. We were also treated to plenty of Big White’s beautiful sunsets. Heaven!

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