Attention all you military folk!  SnowSkool has now been approved as a learning provider under the Ministry of Defence’s Enhanced Learning Credits Scheme (ELCAS for short)!!!!

After a fairly tortuous journey through a mountain of form filling and government bureaucracy, SnowSkool has finally gained the approval it’s been looking for … so while some people will continue to know us as SnowSkool, others will get to know as Learning Provider 3947!

So what does this all mean for you?  Well, if you’re in the forces, you can get funding from the MoD towards the cost of your SnowSkool course.  How much you receive depends on how long you’ve been in the forces – for four or more years’ eligible service you’ll get up to £1,000 and for eight or more years’ eligible service you’ll get a whopping £2,000 towards your course fees.  Not only that but you can make your claim while you’re in service or for up to ten years after leaving!

For SnowSkool it is, of course, great to get an endorsement from the MoD of the quality of the training we provide – and the great pass rate we have for our exams!

For more information on ELCs, please visit the website or speak to your Education Staff.


Wanting more?  Try these links for information about SnowSkool's instructor training courses:

Ski instructor courses

Snowboard instructor courses

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