A surprise, slope-side party was the highlight of week 8 in Méribel for the SnowSkoolers...

✏️    Shock, still sunny in the Three Valleys, but we had a showering of snow to keep the conditions sweet for the final week of training!

✏️    With the final part of the BASI Level 2 exams happening *as we speak!*, last week meant our BASS trainers imparted all the final wisdom they could and the SnowSkoolers undertook a focused week of lessons.

✏️    On Tuesday we hosted a surprise party on the slopes, at the bottom of the Tougnette lift, to say a huge thank you to BASS and enjoy each other’s company in a non-training environment. The chalet hosts put on a flawless spread including beer, crisps and home-baked cookies – what a combo! The gang played classic games like egg and spoon (pole and snowball); blared some tunes; then carried on the party in Ronnies together.

✏️    Good luck in your exams everyone – we know you’ll smash it!!

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